Life is nothing when it is lukewarm
Nothing nothing nothing is holding us
Please yourself
Love is nothing
You are alive, ME


Who is he you might ask?

My uncle was PNAC a creative artist, living most of his life in Dubai as a lighting designer. He studied architecture.

We talked about how we should make NFTs together, I explained to him the project and was really cool about it. Back in 2022, I was finishing my bachelor degree and had lot going on and never could complete this project with him.

He got a brain tumour and had to stop working on his art, he couldn’t anymore, like if he lost this part of himself. A while after, he died from pneumonia.

My uncle was a great person, I never had the chance to really know him, living so far from me and my family, but yet I remember how he offered me a small remote porsche when I was young. Or more recently how I tought him how to use AirBnb to rent his place out.

I felt a boundary and he made me learn so much about the lighting industry, but humanly much more.

His creative was the following, he would create while listening to jazz by using industrial acrylic, a nice material, not really fitted for paintings but yet, the results is breathtaking.

Here is a picture of him, creating not giving a damn about the world around him, just doing something he loved.

Today I am planning to make him live again, eternally. Making an NFT collection of my favorite piece of art he made.

The bicolored splatter – NFT pieces minting on MultiversX

Splatter pieces

Dubai exposition of his work

The Spade

The Bull